Supervision and Consultation

The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice.


Clinical Supervision

We recognize the importance of working with supervisors and mentors that you feel deeply seen and supported by. Our style as supervisors is not dissimilar from our style as clinicians, and it begins with building a strong relationship of trust and safety. We value a balance between concrete skills-based work and theoretical exploration alongside a more experiential approach - providing a felt experience of the power of therapy.

If you are looking to deepen your work with teens or adults, develop strategies for working with clients experiencing acute distress, learn more about supporting grieving individuals, or gain new insights about working from an attachment-oriented lens, please reach out to explore if individual supervision with Jenna or Dan could be a good fit.


Trainings and Workshops

Let us share our learnings with you

Previous training and workshop topics include:

  • Supporting grieving students

  • Levels of care in the behavioral health system

  • Reframing camper behavioral challenges

  • Adaptation to loss: Acute, integrated, and complicated grief

We are always happy to develop an individualized training to best meet the needs of your community. Reach out to explore opportunities for collaboration.


Crisis consultation and support for corporations and summer camps

When accidents or loss occur in the workplace, it has a ripple effect on the whole community, beginning with the leadership team.

Allow us to provide the guidance and emotional support your team needs, with an individualized approach to navigating these difficult moments.